Tutorial 03: Counts Collection

Collecting term co-occurrence data from the scientific literature.

Term Co-occurrence

The ‘Counts’ approach, or term co-occurrence, searches the literature for how often terms of interest appear together.

This type of analysis can be used to infer associations between terms.

# Import the Counts object, which is used for co-occurrence analysis
from lisc import Counts

# Import the SCDB object, which defines a database structure for saved data
from lisc.io import SCDB

# Import a utility function for saving out collected data
from lisc.io import save_object

Counts Object

The Counts object is used to handle term co-occurrence collection and analyses.

This object is based on the Base object introduced in the prior tutorial, meaning we can define and add terms to it like introduced there.

Counts: Single List of Terms

For the first example of running a counts analysis, we will use a single list of terms.

When a single list of terms is provided, the word co-occurrence is collected as the co-occurrence of each term with every other term in the list.

Let’s start with an example using different parts of the brain, and examine how often these brain regions are talked about together.

# Set up some terms to search for
terms = [['frontal lobe'], ['temporal lobe'], ['parietal lobe'], ['occipital lobe']]

# Initialize counts object & add the terms that we want to collect co-occurrences for
counts = Counts()
# Collect co-occurrence data
/Users/tom/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/bs4/builder/__init__.py:545: XMLParsedAsHTMLWarning: It looks like you're parsing an XML document using an HTML parser. If this really is an HTML document (maybe it's XHTML?), you can ignore or filter this warning. If it's XML, you should know that using an XML parser will be more reliable. To parse this document as XML, make sure you have the lxml package installed, and pass the keyword argument `features="xml"` into the BeautifulSoup constructor.
Running counts for:  frontal lobe
Running counts for:  temporal lobe
Running counts for:  parietal lobe
Running counts for:  occipital lobe

We have now collected some literature data!

The Counts object will now contain data on term co-occurrence in the literature.

This is stored in the counts attribute of the object.

# Check out the raw count data
[[   0 2212 1028  673]
 [2212    0  951  795]
 [1028  951    0  565]
 [ 673  795  565    0]]

The Counts object also has methods for exploring the collected data.

# Check how many articles were found for each search term
The number of documents found for each search term is:
  'frontal lobe'     -   16657
  'temporal lobe'    -   33081
  'parietal lobe'    -    6100
  'occipital lobe'   -    4640
# Check the most studied term
The most studied term is  'temporal lobe'  with  33081  articles.

Counts: Two Terms Lists

In the first example above, we provided a single list of terms.

Now let’s explore using two different sets of terms. When providing two lists of terms, each term from each list is compared to each term of the other list.

In this example, we will keep our list of brain regions, and explore how they relate to different sensory systems.

# Define some new terms
terms_a = [['frontal lobe'], ['temporal lobe'], ['parietal lobe'], ['occipital lobe']]
terms_b = [['vision'], ['audition', 'auditory'], ['somatosensory'], ['olfaction', 'smell'],
           ['gustation', 'taste'], ['proprioception'], ['nociception', 'pain']]

Now that we have multiple term lists, we have to keep track of and specify which is which.

This is done with the dim argument (for ‘dimension’), and encoded as either ‘A’ or ‘B’.

# Set terms lists, indicating they are separate lists with the 'A' and 'B' labels
counts.add_terms(terms_a, dim='A')
counts.add_terms(terms_b, dim='B')
Unloading terms.
# Collect co-occurrence data

From here you can use all the same methods to explore the data we just collected.

In the next tutorial, we will explore analyzing our collected counts data.

For now, let’s save out our collected counts data, using the LISC utility to save the object.

# Save out the counts object
save_object(counts, 'tutorial_counts', directory=SCDB('lisc_db'))

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 39.602 seconds)

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