
lisc.collect_citations(dois, util='citations', collect_dois=False, logging=None, directory=None, verbose=False)[source]

Collect citation data from OpenCitations.

doislist of str

DOIs to collect citation data for.

util{‘citations’, ‘references’}

Which utility to collect citation data with. Options:

  • ‘citations’: collects the number of citations citing the specified DOI.

  • ‘references’: collects the number of references cited by the specified DOI.

collect_doisbool, optional, default: False

Whether to also collect the list of DOIs of cited or referenced papers.

logging{None, ‘print’, ‘store’, ‘file’}, optional

What kind of logging, if any, to do for requested URLs.

directorystr or SCDB, optional

Folder or database object specifying the save location.

verbosebool, optional, default: False

Whether to print out updates.


The number of citations or references for each article.


The DOIs of the citing or references articles. Only returned if collect_dois is True.


Meta data about the data collection.


Collect citation data for a specified article:

>>> citations, meta_data = collect_citations(['10.1038/nmeth.1635'])

Examples using lisc.collect_citations

Tutorial 05: Collecting Citation Data

Tutorial 05: Collecting Citation Data