
lisc.collect_counts(terms_a, inclusions_a=None, exclusions_a=None, labels_a=None, terms_b=None, inclusions_b=None, exclusions_b=None, labels_b=None, db='pubmed', field='TIAB', api_key=None, collect_coocs=True, logging=None, directory=None, collect_info=True, verbose=False, **eutils_kwargs)[source]

Collect count and term co-occurrence data from EUtils.

terms_alist of list of str

Search terms.

inclusions_alist of list of str, optional

Inclusion words for search terms.

exclusions_alist of list of str, optional

Exclusion words for search terms.

labels_alist of str, optional

Labels for the search terms.

terms_blist of list of str, optional

Secondary list of search terms.

inclusions_blist of list of str, optional

Inclusion words for the second list of search terms.

exclusions_blist of list of str, optional

Exclusion words for the second list of search terms.

labels_blist of str

Labels for the second list of search terms.

dbstr, optional, default: ‘pubmed’

Which database to access from EUtils.

fieldstr, optional, default: ‘TIAB’

Field to search for term within. Defaults to ‘TIAB’, which is Title/Abstract.

api_keystr, optional

An API key for a NCBI account.

collect_coocsbool, optional, default: True

Whether to collect co-occurence data. If False, only collects the counts for first term list.

logging{None, ‘print’, ‘store’, ‘file’}, optional

What kind of logging, if any, to do for requested URLs.

directorystr or SCDB, optional

Folder or database object specifying the save location.

collect_infobool, optional, default: True

Whether to collect database information, to be added to meta data.

verbosebool, optional, default: False

Whether to print out updates.


Additional settings for the EUtils API.

co_occurences2d array

The numbers of articles found for each combination of terms. Only returned if collect_coocs is True.

counts1d array or list of 1d array

Number of articles for each term independently.


Meta data from the data collection.


The collection does an exact word search for search terms.

The HTML page returned by the EUtils search includes a ‘count’ field. This field contains the number of articles with both terms. This is extracted.


Collect counts and co-occurrences for a single set of two search terms:

>>> coocs, counts, meta_data = collect_counts([['frontal lobe'], ['temporal lobe']])

Collect counts and co-occurrences for two sets of search terms:

>>> coocs, counts, meta_data = collect_counts(terms_a=[['frontal lobe'], ['temporal lobe']],
...                                           terms_b=[['attention'], ['perception']])

Examples using lisc.collect_counts

Counts with Functions

Counts with Functions