- class lisc.urls.URLs(base, utils, authenticated=None)[source]¶
URLs for an API interface.
- Attributes:
- basestr
Base URL for the API.
- utilsdict
What utilities are available for the API.
- urlsdict
The URLs for each utility.
- settingsdict
The available settings for the API.
- authenticatedbool
Whether acting as an authenticated user for the API.
- __init__(base, utils, authenticated=None)[source]¶
Initialize a URLs object.
- Parameters:
- basestr
Base URL for the API.
- utilsdict
Utilities for the utility, a dictionary with names and URL extensions.
- authenticatedbool, optional
Whether acting as an authenticated user for the API.
Initialize a
object for the Github API:>>> urls = URLs('', {'search_repos': "search/repositories"})
(base, utils[, authenticated])Initialize a URLs object.
(url)Method to authenticate a URL for a given API.
(util[, segments, settings])Build the URL for a specified utility, with provided settings.
(util)Check the built URL for a specified utility.
(**kwargs)Put all provided settings values into a dictionary object.
(util[, segments, settings])Get a requested URL, with any additional segments or settings.
- authenticate(url)[source]¶
Method to authenticate a URL for a given API.
- Parameters:
- urlstr
URL to add authentication to.
- Returns:
- str
Authenticated URL.
This is a placeholder method, on the base URLs object, and should be overloaded by any API object that has authentication.
When overloading this method, it should implement whatever is needed to authenticate a URL request for the specified API.
- build_url(util, segments=None, settings=None)[source]¶
Build the URL for a specified utility, with provided settings.
- Parameters:
- utilstr
Which utility to build the URL for.
- segmentslist of str, optional
Segments to add to the URL.
- settingsdict or list of str, optional
Settings to use to build the URL. If list, the settings values are taken from the objects settings attribute.
Build the url for the Github API to search for a repository search:
>>> urls = URLs('', {'search_repos': "search/repositories"}) >>> urls.fill_settings(q='lisc', sort='stars', order='desc') >>> urls.build_url('search_repos', settings=['q', 'sort', 'order'])
- check_url(util)[source]¶
Check the built URL for a specified utility.
- Parameters:
- utilstr
Which utility to check the URL for.
Check the URL that gets built for a Github repository search:
>>> urls = URLs('', {'search_repos': "search/repositories"}) >>> urls.fill_settings(q='lisc', sort='stars', order='desc') >>> urls.build_url('search_repos', settings=['q', 'sort', 'order']) >>> urls.check_url('search_repos')
- fill_settings(**kwargs)[source]¶
Put all provided settings values into a dictionary object.
- Parameters:
- **kwargs
Keyword arguments for all settings, with their values.
Potential parameters to this function include all the possible settings for the given API.
Any possible setting that is provided a value as an input to this function is saved out to the dictionary of collected and available settings.
Provide settings for the query, sort, and order of a Github search:
>>> urls = URLs('', {'search_repos': "search/repositories"}) >>> urls.fill_settings(q='lisc', sort='stars', order='desc')
- get_url(util, segments=None, settings=None)[source]¶
Get a requested URL, with any additional segments or settings.
- Parameters:
- utilstr
Which utility to get the URL for.
- segmentslist of str, optional
Any additional segments to add to the URL.
- settingsdict, optional
Any additional settings to add to the URL.
- Returns:
- full_urlstr
The requested URL, with any extra segments and settings added.
Get the url built for a Github repository search:
>>> urls = URLs('', {'search_repos': "search/repositories"}) >>> urls.fill_settings(q='lisc', sort='stars', order='desc') >>> urls.build_url('search_repos', settings=['q', 'sort', 'order']) >>> urls.get_url('search_repos') ''